BestTop.Mobi Rules

In case we find that your site is against our rules we have the right to delete you site at any time without warning and notice.
Site can not contain any illegal materials.
Site can not contain the materials which has possibility of offending public order and morals.
Site can not contain the materials which has possibility of slandering others.
Sites with adult content can be added only into adult category otherwise the record will be automatically deleted.
It is strictly prohibited to submit, or advertise illegal content such as child pornography, using celebrity names, infringing other sites trademarks. We will research and report your personal details to the authorities for prosecution as soon as we see it.
Must provide proper description for your site and submit it to a correct category.
If you add an adult site to a wrong category it will be removed.
If the registered url would not match the real url of your site, both urls the redirect and the real urls will be banned.
Only the registered site can use link tag to our site.
Above all we have the right to delete the site if we determined the site is inadequate for our site.
Please register your site only 1 time , if not the case we will delete all your registrations and ban you forever!
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